Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Autumn and decisions

I started this blog post a few weeks ago:

Takin’ life by the horns.

That sounds like a saying PETA would object… In any case, in our lifetime, we often find ourselves afraid of everything. We’re more afraid of things, people, events, than not. Except if you’re Bob Marley. Don’t worry…about a thing. Those kinds of cats exhude relaxation. Ignoring the possible help of a certain herbal supplement.

We are afraid of consequences; “If I make this decision, maybe it’ll end up biting me in the...derrière.” Alright, so maybe that will happen. Maybe not. Nobody knows. Today’s society finds us all wrapped in a big blanket of anxiety, and stress.

I asked myself this week: if I had one year to live (I am aware of this seemingly overused philosophy), would I live differently? Think differently? We all know we would, but how to put this into action?

Step 1: Foregoing an assistantship in order to have a more peaceful frame of mind.

Life isn't meant to be really easy and all fun.
I want to chronicle how some of this goes. I think it would be fun if any of you would join along with me...maybe blog about it, let me know about it, or just leaving a comment.

For now, as leaves fall and autumn embraces us in a pumpkin-spiced word....let's be grateful for what we do have, and pray that the rest will fall into place.